Tuesday, February 13, 2007

New information for users (and future clients)

We have just completed a migration to a more robust database. Speed and use issues have been resolved by the move to SQL server . In addition it's now easier to look up by key contact name.

In the very near future the export tool will allow you to choose the exact fields to export as well as the type of layout vs. the current limited allowance of two export models with fixed layouts.

Coming next week you will see a launch of our new free service for Chain operators called, "restaurant trademark watch."

Expect some surprises by the Spring, including a release of the data that's behind the Restaurant Incubator Index. It's been about a year, we have tailored our tracking to produce "never seen before" statistics of the restaurant chains we follow in our universe.

Included will be future forecasting of industry types. Please stay tuned!

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