Monday, October 09, 2006

Restaurant Incubator Index for September and....

Septembers index is slightly up and we are showing a continual slight slowing from July thru September. In the past month of September the index increased by .08% (less than 1/10 of 1 percent). In the previous month of August the index increased by .1% (1/10 of 1 percent).

Clients have warned us about the slowdown. In addition, colleagues in other vertical industries have been complaining of severe slowdowns in almost all retail sectors of the economy in 2006. As you can see by the numbers the increase is far from zealous, but their still is one. As my father always told me: People gotta eat!

Also, many of you have asked how do I get my growth story into the weekly alerts newsletter?

First it would help us to know as much about your company and concept as we can. Start with contacting the office here and asking for inclusion. At the same time help us to go over your company record with a staff researcher. You can begin the process by calling us at 914-591-4297 or sending an email to

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