Saturday, April 01, 2006

New Newsletter!

We started a new (every two weeks) newsletter displaying changes in the restaurant chains that we track. Currently, we have 3719 chains in our database that we call and reverify every four months. 3400 are unique brand, the remainder franchisee companies.

Since the project began we have been through the entire database 10 times by now. I believe we are finding some neat-to-read items.

Now you can get a copy sent to you by email every two weeks. Just send me an email at and request to be added and please include your name and company information.

So far we have sent out four newsletters and the demand has been so great we have to hand over our email management to a third party company. Within a week or so we'll have our new website up where we will have newlsetter archives as well as a new email sign up tool.

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